sustainable entrepreneurs with
impact investors
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sustainable entrepreneurs with
impact investors
Imfino - Impact Investing Platform
Imfino is a global online platform which aims to connect impact investors with impact investment opportunities (entrepreneurs) meeting their investment requirements.
Given the low rates of return achievable on the market, investors are looking for additional benefits. At the same time, humanity faces enormous challenges that need urgent solutions on a global scale, as detailed within the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
Impact Investing aims to produce a positive social and/or environmental impact along with a return on investment. To date, there is no global initiative offering an adequate link between interested investors and entrepreneurs, combined with a knowledge base on the industry and impact measurement tools.
Imfino currently provides
- Industry Know How on the sector of impact investing (studies, articles, glossary, conferences, events, etc.)
- An open market place free of charge for both entrepreneurs to showcase their sustainable projects and interested impact investors to present their investment interests until the end of 2017
- Information on impact investment opportunities including their correlation to the SDGs
Imfino next steps
- Tutorial videos to guide entrepreneurs and investors through the various parts of the platform to be filled with information (planned for end of July 2017)
- Online opportunities for exchange between peer groups
- Searching options by matching criteria for both entrepreneurs and investors
- An innovative and lean impact measurement tool worked out by an international research team led by RCE Vienna
- Online opportunities for contact and exchange between entrepreneurs and interested investors
Impact & Impact Investing?
Impact is defined as achieving social and/or environmental improvements, e.g. affordable housing, access to water and healthcare, sustainable agriculture, cleaner environment, waste management, access to education, etc.
Impact Investing
Impact investing is a financial investment opportunity where the investor is interested in producing social and/or environmental benefits as well as a financial return. Thus, impact investing has the potential to cause a paradigm shift in the capital markets, adding impact as the third dimension to risk and return, transforming our society for the better.
Imfino is a global impact investing platform that aims to connect impact investors with impact investment projects (entrepreneurs).
Impact is defined as achieving social and/or environmental improvements, e.g. affordable housing, access to water and healthcare, sustainable agriculture, waste management, access to education, etc.
Impact investing is a financial investment opportunity where the investor is interested in producing social and/or environmental benefits as well as a financial return. Thus, impact investing has the potential to cause a paradigm shift in the capital markets, adding impact as the third dimension to risk and return, transforming our society for the better.
Due to current low rates of return on the market and a new generation who have a growing awareness of the effect finance can have on the planet, investors are increasingly interested in the impact of their investments. The annual investor surveys published by The GIIN show a rapidly expanding market currently worth at least USD 114 billion. The market is expected to continue its strong annual growth to make up a larger proportion of the USD 300 trillion of global financial assets.
The Imfino target group includes any investor looking for impact, e.g. Impact Funds, Family Offices, Foundations, High-Net-Worth Individuals, Business Angels, etc.
Currently, investors receive access to detailed financial and impact information on impact investment projects published on the Imfino marketplace. These are categorised by the United Nations’ SDGs ( for basic impact classification. More features are in development and will be realised and communicated as soon as they are available.
Later this year, Imfino will provide a search algorithm for investors to look for investment opportunities that match their interests. Search criteria will include SDGs, country/region, impact classification, ticket size, return rates, KPIs, and more.
Impact projects need to fulfil the Imfino requirements, which include investability, scalability, and impact measurement. Imfino grants free access to impact projects in order to also attract projects with limited financial resources. Additional services packages will be presented later this year.
Additional services offered include up-to-date industry know-how, market insights on events, studies and reports as well as risk profiling, country overviews, newsletter services and networking possibilities (for premium investors only).
Impact measurement is still in an early stage, and there is no global standard yet. The main currently used solutions are IRIS (self-assessment tool by GIIN, a nd GIIRS (self-assessment tool created by B Lab, Together with an international institution, Imfino is working on a new standard that goes beyond self-assessment and will take impact measurement to a new level, based on the SDGs.
Impact investing is not philanthropy, charity, sponsorship or crowd funding. Additionally, impact investing is more than Socially Responsible Investing (SRI,, which only excludes investments in specific markets and/or companies, e.g. weapon or nuclear sectors, alcohol, and tobacco, although Imfino also takes these criteria into consideration for granting access to the marketplace.
konsultori, the Vienna-based boutique-Consultancy for Business Development works with startups and mid-sized companies on scaling their businesses. They cover business development, growth hacking, building sustainable partnreships and getting investors on board.

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A-1200 Wien