Workshop on making investment work for the SDGs

Workshop on making investment work for the SDGs

Implementing the Policy Framework for Investment

Dec 2015

Following the Addis Ababa Action Plan and the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),the implementation of the post-2015 agenda requires significant resource mobilisation. Private investment is one key vehicle for realizing the vision of shared prosperity set out in the SDGs.The Policy Framework for Investment (PFI) contributes to achieving this objective. Updated in 2015, the PFI embodies a whole-of-government approach to reforms for investment, which helps create integrated policy frameworks for financing the SDGs. Building on the objectives of the SDGs, more than 130 senior representatives of governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and the international development community met in Paris, France, on 10 December 2015 to share their views and experiences on approaches that can best assist governments in implementing PFI-based policy reforms.

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Workshop on making Investment work for the SDGs