Industry Know-How
Measuring Impact and Non-financial Returns in Impact Investing
A Critical Overview of Concepts and Practice
Impact investing is a form of investment that has risen to prominence in recent years. Compared to other forms of socially responsible investment, the most prominent feature of impact investing is a focus on measuring the social and environmental return that it generates. In response ...
From the Margins to the Mainstream. Assessment of the Impact Investment Sector and Opportunities to Engage Mainstream Investors.
In 2013 the World Economic Forum published a report about the development of impact investing from the margins into the mainstream. Investors have great influence over the social, environmental and economic challenges of societies, yet operate within a market infrastructure and investment ecosystem where the ...
Inspiring Impact
The Code of Good Impact Practice.
Inspiring Impact is a programme that aims to change the way the UK voluntary sector thinks about impact. It aims to provide clarity about what good impact measurement practice looks like, to help charities and social enterprises measure better. The Code of Good Impact Practice ...
Measuring and Managing total Impact
Strengthening Business Decisions for Business Leaders
Total Impact Measurement and Management (TIMM) is a flexible framework that enables business to develop a better understanding of how to create sustainable value for their shareholders while generating value for the wider communities they affect.TIMM gives you a new perspective on your business ...
The Impact Investor. People & Practices delivering exceptional financial & social returns. A Market Emerges: The Six Dynamics of Impact Investing.
In 2012 the authors Clark, Emerson and Thornley have defined evolving tensions in the field of practice as Six Dynamics, each of which describes a unique set of relationships, challenges and questions. Impact investing is taking shape as a distinct activity, with its own unique ...
The Impact Investor. People & Practices delivering exceptional financial & social returns. The Need for Evidence and Engagement.
In 2012 the authors Clark, Emerson and Thornley published a report on Impact Investors: Impact investing is at an inflection point, building off the rich histories of community finance in the United States and other countries, microfinance, international development, and the integration of ESG factors ...
Impact Investing
Transforming How We Make Money While Making a Difference
Published in 2011, this was the first book to chart the catalytic path of this new industry, explaining how it is and can be a positive disruptive force. It shows how impact investing is a transformational vehicle for delivering "blended value" throughout the investment spectrum ...
Millennials and Impact Investing Go Hand in Hand
The certified B Corporation and private investment management company “TriLinc Global” published an article about the strong link between the Millennial generation and Impact Investing. Based on recent studies, like “From the Margins to the Mainstream” by the World Economic Forum or “The Millennial Impact ...
Making the Case for Social Metrics and Impact Investing
Margot Brandenburg, the associate director and designated “metrics person” at the Rockefeller Foundation, describes in her article the importance of social metrics for impact investing. Why measuring and reporting on social and environmental impact and common reporting and performance standards are important for the success ...