Industry Know-How
Financing for Development: Progress and Prospects 2018
The 2018 report of the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development finds that most types of development financing flows increased in 2017, and that there has been progress across all the action areas of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. This progress was underpinned by ...

This study is a result of an analysis of 193 organizations, initiatives, and projects that are leveraging blockchain to drive social impact. By mapping and cataloging the landscape of such blockchain applications, our research captured which applications have already begun to demonstrate proven social impact ...

Rabobank’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Growing a better world together
In this SDG report Rabobank demonstrates how they contributed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations in 2017, with a special focus on the themes of Climate, Smart Agriculture and Reducing Food Waste. Rabobank considers these themes to be key instruments ...

The Rise of Impact
Five steps towards an inclusive and sustainable economy
The UK National Advisory Board on Impact Investing released this report on the growing field of impact investing. With a focus on the UK, this report addresses the importance of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals through increased Impact Investing as well as supporting the ...

Investing for Impact
An investor presentation from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, summarising their investing activities, portfolio and funding programs.

Impact Investing - Geld machen und Gutes tun
Geld anlegen oder spenden? Rendite machen oder Gutes tun? Es geht auch beides, gleichzeitig. Auch wenn es noch keinen Boom gibt: Der Markt für solche Fonds wächst rasant. Die Anleger sind begeistert.

Impact investing: Measurement valued by investee businesses
This report was commissioned by the Donor Committee on Enterprise Development in order to shed light on the topic of data being generated by impact investee organisations. 24 agriculture and energy enterprises in Latin America, East Africa and Southeast Asia were interviewed. The key findings ...

New Urban Agenda
The New Urban Plan was created to make cities more accessible and sustainable for their increasing populations and the world overtime. Though cities only take up 2% of all land, they generate 70% of the global GDP, consume over 60% of all energy produced, and ...

SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2017
Global Responsibilities: International spillovers in achieving the goals
The Annual SDG Index and Dashboards Report shows updated information on where each country stands in regards to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The report ranks countries based on their performance across all 17 goals. This year they have added spillover indexes to help indicate ...