Industry Know-How
Toniic T100 Launch Report
Insights from the frontier of impact investing 2016
Toniic has published this important report at the launch of the T100: a multi-year study of the portfolios of over 50 Toniic 100% Impact Network members.[nbsp]It discloses for the first time the aggregated impact portfolios of more than 50 investors, ranging in size ...

In search of Impact
Measuring the full value of capital
Investment is on the verge of a big leap forward. While the financial performance of funds is readily accessible, their social and environmental impacts remain largely opaque, not only to the public but to the investment industry itself. It is time to change that.
The ...

Impact Investing Trends: Evidence of a Growing Industry
Impact Investing Trends: Evidence of a Growing Industry is the GIIN’s first-ever industry-level trends analysis on global impact investor market activity. The GIIN has conducted a rigorous annual survey of the growing community of impact investors since 2011, and this trends report was produced ...

The Power of Lean Data
Impact measurement is one of the most important things that a social enterprise can do, it is needed not only by investors but also by the enterprise itself to learn more about the people they serve and if they are actually reaching their intended audience ...

Across the Returns Continuum
There has been a debate in the world of impact investing as to whether it is necessary to sacrifice social impact for greater financial returns or if there is in fact a positive correlation between social impact and financial returns. This article challenges this two-sided ...

Sustainable Development Goals
Offical Website
The Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) seeks to provide leadership and catalyse action in promoting and coordinating implementation of internationally agreed development goals, including the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among other mandates, it hosts the secretariat for the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development ...

UNIDO and the SDGs
UNIDO focusing on Sustainable Development Goals #SDG9
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), as a specialized agency of the UN that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability, is determined to take its part in facilitating with the successful implementation of the SDGs in the globe.
The ...

US Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing Trends 2016
The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment (US SIF) Foundation ‘s biennial report provides more evidence of impact investing growth. Client demand is the reason given by fund managers for the continued increase.
Meg Voorhes, director of research, states: “There are encouraging signs for social ...

Österreicher mögen´s nachhaltig
Laut einer im Auftrag der Erste Asset Management durchgeführten Umfrage über die Einstellung der Österreicherinnen und Österreicher zur Geldanlage (Online Befragung INTEGRAL, 18-69 Jahre, 510 Personen, repräsentativ für die österreichische Bevölkerung) haben nachhaltige Investments einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad: Bereits 46% der Österreicherinnen und Österreicher haben davon ...