Industry Know-How
Impact Investing vs. Venture Philanthropy
This article provides a short and precise analysis of the background, similarities and differences between impact investing and venture philanthropy.

Economist Impact Investing Conference 2017 Retrospective
Statements from conference participants on impact investing
The Economist convened leading financiers, institutional investors, policymakers, academics, impact investors and philanthropies to analyse the main opportunities and obstacles to the mainstreaming of impact investment and to identify what needs to be done to make it happen. It was an important conversation: how trillions ...

Impact Investing: Who Are We Serving?
A case of mismatch between supply and demand
This report by Oxfam challenges investors and enterprises to consider the assumptions in the field of impact investing. The media’s mainstream representation of impact investing presents principally the profitable aspects of investments which match fast expectations of returns, while in reality, the success of ...

CEO Guide to the SDGs
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has launched this guide - a new resource aimed at galvanizing engagement from global business leaders in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The CEO Guide to the SDGs sets out clear actions that CEOs can take ...

African Cities: Opening Doors to the World
This book by Somik Viney Lall, J. Vernon Henderson, and Anthony J. Venables, explores why economic growth in African cities does not match population growth. While in many other cities around the world, the higher the population, the higher the GDP, most growing African cities ...

Social Impact Bonds
Reflecting on Emerging Global Practice
In the past six years, Social Impact Bonds have gained traction in countries around the world to fund preventative social programs. This report discusses the benefits associated with this new impact investing tool, including the potential to save governments money, along with the problems, such ...

Traditional finance focuses solely on financial return and risk. By contrast, sustainable finance considers financial, social and environmental returns in combination. This essay provides a new framework for sustainable finance highlighting the move from the narrow shareholder model to the broader stakeholder model, aimed at ...

Better Business Better World
The report of the Business & Sustainable Development Commission
The report offers a positive alternative: setting business strategy and transforming markets in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For the past year, the Business and Sustainable Development Commission has been researching the impact on business of achieving these 17 objectives, known as the ...

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017 is the UN's annual review into progress made towards the 17 Goals in the second year of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report is based on the latest available data. It highlights both gains ...